January 19, 2023

AI Guided Selling

Revolutionize the Sales Messaging Process: Sales AI Message Generator

Are you tired of spending hours composing personalized messages to potential clients? Use Dealcode and get personalized AI generated sales messages.

AI Guided Selling, Sales Software, Tool, ChatGPT, GPT3, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Sales Tech, Pre Sales, Messanger, Sales Communication, LinkedIn, Social Selling

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Dealcode riding the ChatGPT wave - Sales AI Message Generator. AI capabilities are improving and refining every second of every day. The release of ChatGPT in November 2022 was a game-changer. It caused quite a stir in the artificial Intelligence (AI) and chatbot industry. Most companies wonder how to leverage the GPT-3 model, hence improving their businesses using this technology. As there has been a lot of chatter about this game-changing conversational application of GPT-3. Therefore, we at Dealcode leverage AI technology to change how sales are made and close deals!

Get the competitive edge you need to succeed in sales. Install the Dealcode AI Sales Message Generator Chrome extension and start crafting personalized messages faster than ever before.
Fig 1: ChatGPT conversation

So, what is GPT-3? I will let GPT describe itself to a non-technical audience! I went to ChatGPT and asked it to describe itself; see fig.1.

This is the world's most powerful AI engine. It has 175 billion parameters, i.e., values that a neural network optimizes during the training. And it is right at our fingertips!

How Dealcode is revolutionizing the creation of sales messages with AI

Here at Dealcode, we are riding the ChatGPT wave. The ultimate conversational tool for facilitating your sales messaging process from lead qualification to follow-up! Revolutionizing your sales game and increasing conversion rates with hyper-personalized messaging tailored to each prospect's uniqueness.

Sales AI message generation utilizes the power of AI with more than 200 million sales data points. So as to generate conversations that can be copied and pasted for use as LinkedIn messages or emails. This state-of-the-art AI-powered technology will save time spent composing emails and messages. Therefore increasing efficiency by automating the process of initiating conversations with prospects.

It will change the way sales professionals, business development reps, and anyone looking to streamline their sales process do business. Using AI power like chatGPT, our chrome extension can quickly generate personalized and engaging conversations. With this, users will save hours of research and tedious tasks of manual message writing.

Why use our Sales AI Message Generator?

Sales AI Message Generator
Sales AI Message Generator

With just a few clicks, let our tool:

Create a short, compelling description of whom your prospects are by analyzing their online profile

Prospects are potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services. The Sales AI message generator analyzes their Linkedin profile to create a targeted sales message that resonates with them. This includes looking at their job title, industry, and company size to understand their role and the type of organization they work for. Additionally, examining their education and experience provides insight into their qualifications and background. Finally, review their interests and groups to gain an understanding of their hobbies and professional affiliations. Analyzing their profile lets the message generator develop a detailed and accurate description of your prospects. This will enable you to tailor your sales strategies to their specific needs and preferences, improving your chances of success.

Analyses each recipient's specific profile to quickly generate non-templated personalized and engaging conversations that generate qualified leads.

An effective way to generate qualified leads online is to use a targeted approach when reaching out to potential clients. This means analyzing each recipient's specific profile to understand their needs, interests, and pain points. Our tool can craft non-templated, personalized, and engaging conversations with this information. Therefore, address their concerns and demonstrate your understanding of their industry and business. By tailoring your approach to each recipient, you can increase the likelihood of generating qualified leads addressing their specific needs and showing that you have the expertise and solutions they are looking for.

Compose messages 100x faster that convert 20 times better.

Composing messages and emails can be time-consuming, especially when reaching out to multiple potential clients. Sales AI Message Generation speeds up this process by allowing you to compose and personalize messages based on the recipient's profile. By automating the message creation process, you can compose messages 100x faster while still maintaining a high level of personalization and relevance. You can also improve your conversion rates by 20x, as you can reach more potential clients with targeted, personalized messages that are more likely to convert. This way, you can scale your outreach efforts without sacrificing the quality of your messages and improve your chances of generating qualified leads.

Increase chances of getting more replies with targeted follow-up messages and emails

By analyzing the recipient's profile and the previous message sent, Dealcode tailors follow-up messages to address their specific needs and pain points, making them more likely to engage with your message.


Our Sales AI Message Generator will take your sales game to the next level. We will take off the tedious tasks of generating personalized conversations, and you can focus on what you do best: closing deals and growing your business.

Want to save time and increase efficiency? AI Sales Message Generator can help. Download the Chrome extension and start generating effective messages in no time.

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Use our free Chrome Extension:
AI Agents and Sales Co-Pilot

dealcode AI Companion Top Features

• Search and save contacts on LinkedIn
• Enrich and capture business contact data
• Eliminate repetitive and manual tasks
• Improve CRM data quality through intelligent enrichment
• Increase sales efficiency with AI-based outreach at scale

Nutzen Sie unsere kostenlose Chrome-Erweiterung:
AI Agents und Sales Co-Pilot

dealcode AI Companion Top Features

• Suchen und Speichern von Kontakten auf LinkedIn
• Erfassen und Anreichern von Geschäftskontaktdaten
• Eliminieren Sie sich wiederholende, manuelle Aufgaben
• Verbessern Sie die Qualität von CRM-Daten durch intelligente Anreicherung
• Steigern Sie die Vertriebseffizienz mit individuell personalisierter KI-basiertem Outreach

B2B sales teams work efficiently with dealcode AI

“With dealcode AI's platform, we were able to send over 50,000 personalized 1:1 mailings shortly after onboarding. Such a volume would have required at least 20 additional employees, which was completely unrealistic. Dealcode AI therefore played a key role in helping us to achieve our sales targets quickly and efficiently. Especially the personal support and the consideration of our specific industry requirements should be emphasized.”

Adrian Lier

Head of Sales B2B at apo.com Group

"Jungmann Systemtechnik is currently experiencing a revolution in sales with dealcode AI. In a short period, we have achieved significant successes, including hundreds of qualified leads and valuable appointments that have opened up new business horizons for us. The results far surpass previous attempts, and we are excited about the opportunities now available to us. Due to the successes we have achieved with dealcode AI, the next step is to expand the project to additional countries. We are convinced that this is just the beginning of an extraordinary success story."

Dirk Lüders

Marketing & Sales Director International at Jungmann Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG

"With dealcode AI, we have revolutionized customer engagement, enhanced our sales efficiency and achieved remarkable success in a highly specialized market. dealcode AI demonstrates that we can achieve more, faster and more effectively than ever before."

Volker Hirsch

Head of Sales at RÖHM GmbH

Getting Deals Done with
dealcode AI