September 7, 2022

AI Guided Selling

AI Guided Selling for HubSpot

Boost Your B2B And SaaS Sales Team Performance.

AI Guided Selling, HubSpot

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Boost Your B2B And SaaS Sales Team Performance.

Want to close more deals faster? AI Guided Selling for HubSpot analyzes your CRM and identifies success patterns within your sales process. The software then provides your team with data-driven recommendations for immediate action to increase your sales.

So, are you ready for AI Guided Selling and the data-driven sales of tomorrow? Explore the Product.


AI guided selling for HubSpot
AI Sales Analytics for HubSpot

Get real-time, data-driven insights into all your sales processes. Which activities took place and when? What are the total volumes of open deals in the sales pipeline, and what are the win probabilities? What about overall pipeline health? AI Guided Selling for HubSpot makes the key metrics of your deals visible to their entire B2B sales team.

Visualization of data is optimally aligned to the needs of everyday sales: Clear and focused on only the essentials. This enables SaaS sales teams to see at a glance which deals and activities they should focus their time and resources on next. AI Guided Selling for HubSpot facilitates well-founded planning of B2B sales processes for the best possible growth. Learn more about AI Sales Analytics.


AI Guided Selling for HubSpot
AI Sales Forecasting

Are you looking for sales forecasts you can rely on? AI Guided Sales Forecasting leaves making rough estimates without key parameters are part of the past.

To forecast your sales revenue, AI uses all past and current HubSpot CRM data. The AI Guided Selling software then analyzes the win probabilities and risk factors for each deal in your sales pipeline. Based on these values, the AI software delivers data-driven, automated sales forecasts that you can trust more than your gut feeling. Learn more about AI Sales Forecasting.


AI Guided Selling for HubSpot
Sales Rep Productivity

AI Guided Selling for HubSpot delivers your sales team with relevant data for every situation and all active deals in the sales cycle. AI-powered analytics provide concrete recommendations for action that help your sales reps close deals faster. AI Guided Selling guides your sales team through every phase of the sales process, significantly increasing productivity.

The AI Guided Selling software’s Task Manager contains a Recommendation Feed that alerts users to meaningful activities. Sales reps can pin the suggestions from the feed as to-do's onto their personal dashboard. This way, your B2B sales reps can always see at a glance what’s worth focusing on and which next step in the sales process has the highest chance of success. Let your SaaS sales team know which deals to watch are worth keeping their eyes on. This is how you increase the productivity of your sales team with the help of data. Learn more about Sales Rep Productivity.


Sales Activity Tracking

Which actions lead to the best possible outcomes in which processes? It’s essential to ensure you and your sales team always have an overview of your sales metrics and close rates. In the Sales Activity Tracker for HubSpot, all leads are gathered under one roof.

All activities are documented and evaluated individually so you can see exactly which sales activities are working and where the most revenue potential lies in the sales process. Based on this analysis, AI Guided Selling for HubSpot always suggests the optimal activities to your sales team. This allows you to make faster progress in your sales cycles - and close your deals more efficiently. Learn more about Sales Activity Tracking.


Account Intelligence

Do you know what your customers are concerned about and which topics you should address in your next call or email? In everyday sales, there is hardly any time for research. AI Guided Selling takes care of much of the planning critical to success for you. HubSpot Account Intelligence analyzes relevant market data as well as the behavior and needs of your potential buyers.

It delivers actionable insights based on the analysis of customer information. With Account Intelligence for HubSpot, sales reps can see which information is most relevant at various stages of the sales cycle and which topics could serve as good talking points in addressing potential customers. HubSpot Account Intelligence provides the sales team with real-time information on purchase readiness and customer requirements. This way, sales teams also know which channels are best to use to reach prospects. Learn more about Account Intelligence.


Sales Pipeline Management

Are you always focused on the right deals at the right time? In sales processes that are not data-driven, teams often miss out on decisive moments in the sales cycle. The result: numerous deals are lost that could have been easily won.

Start focusing your full attention on the deals that matter most to you. AI Guided Selling software for HubSpot quickly identifies the most relevant deals in the pipeline. Sales Pipeline Management for HubSpot ensures that your SaaS sales team no longer overlooks the most urgent deals at risk. That's how you get the most out of your resources with AI Guided Selling software. Learn more about Sales Pipeline Management.


Account Engagement

Have you optimized your sales activities for key customers? And do you know if your sales team is spending enough time on the most important customers? AI Guided Selling software shows you which deals in your sales pipeline you’re spending the most time on. This allows you to identify gaps in engagement and better allocate resources.

By integrating AI Guided Selling for HubSpot, you can see which sales activities are most important and find the "ideal" mix of activities for your key customers. Let your sales team engage with their most important customers more effectively - and close more deals with them faster. Learn more about Account Engagement.


AI CRM Automation

Every sales employee knows that nothing is more unpopular than the time-consuming, manual entry of sales activities in the CRM. This means that the documentation of existing data often falls by the wayside in day-to-day sales operations. With AI-Powered HubSpot CRM Automation, strategic use of data is made possible for the first time. Welcome to sales 4.0!

AI-Powered HubSpot CRM Automation integrates all relevant data from the CRM in an automated way. Key data sets include metrics on deals, activity and contact information. In addition, integrated market intelligence incorporates even more metrics critical to success. Is your SaaS sales force ready for data-driven selling? Learn more about AI CRM Automation.


Sales Team Satisfaction

Only when all sales reps are positioned for success from the start they can achieve their maximum potential. With the help of the AI Guided Selling software for HubSpot, you can identify the needs, strengths and weaknesses of your sales employees. This allows you to strategically organize your team and make the most of all available opportunities.

Through data-driven sales organization, AI Guided Selling for HubSpot guarantees the greatest possible sales growth. The higher success rate of your sales managers has a positive feedback effect on your entire sales organization, increasing motivation and overall satisfaction. AI Guided Selling software’s evaluations can help showcase your team’s successes. After all, deals won want to be celebrated. Learn more about Sales Team Satisfaction.

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Getting Deals Done with
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