May 6, 2022

Sales People

Sales Personality Test

Explore the 5 different types of sales personalities.

Sales, Personality test

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1. Complete the test: Answer honestly and simply be yourself to find out what kind of seller you are. Take the test!

Sales Personality Test

2. View detailed results: Learn howyour are, how your personality affects your work and where you’ll feel comfortable.

3. Unlock your potential: Find out tips that can help you improve your sales style, based on your personality.

Explore the 5 different types of sales personalities:


Your ancestors were fearless warriors and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
You supply the company with new blood in terms of customers and leads. You don't care about taking a risk, in fact, it motivates you. You love to master a challenge and take home the victory. Be careful to practice self-awareness, though.
Being impulsive can lead to mistakes because you don't pay attention to the details of a deal. Enjoy the quick sales cycle, but also be focused when things take a little longer. It will help you increase your profits!

Where you'll feel comfortable:

  • Look for younger or fast-growing companies that aggressively launch new products or services.
  • They need a sales rockstar like you who can build relationships and close sales as of yesterday.
  • Your selling personality is a hunter – you’re primarily expressive!
  • But please keep in mind the mix is important and you should also use the other personalities if they fit better to the prospect.‍

Finally, some tips that can help you improve your sales style, based on your personality:

  1. Slow down if people speak slowly
  2. Listen to others ideas
  3. Be careful not to dominate
  4. Allow others to have some control
  5. Show more patience


You're ideally suited for technical and consultative selling. Likewise, you prefer a soft-sell approach.
In interaction with prospects, you tend to be colder and more objective unless you are talking to someone with a similar level of technical knowledge as you.‍

Where you'll feel comfortable:

  • You believe products should be sold based on their features, not cause of the personality of the rep.
  • These salespeople tend to focus on every detail to close the deal. You'll feel more comfortable selling if you have in-depth product knowledge and plenty of product material ready to go.
  • Repairer want presentations to be perfect - a tendency that can have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, it can lead to promising presentations that are highly customized for the specific prospect. On the other hand, you can also lose some prospects due to the high level of complexity.
  • Your selling personality is a repairer - you are primarily analytical!
  • But please note that the mix is important and you should also use the other personalities if they are a better fit for the prospect.‍

Here are some tips that can help you improve your sales style, based on your personality:

  1. Be more outgoing
  2. Share ideas with others
  3. Look for positive aspects in ideas
  4. Avoid giving too many details
  5. Show honest interest in others


Hybrids are the unicorns of sales. You're outgoing, empathetic and people-oriented. But it's not all emotional. You have a sense of urgency and are comfortable in a fast-paced work environment with a healthy dose of diversity.
As a hybrid, you don't like to be categorized. You can be persistent and convincing when you need to be, but that doesn't mean you're not a team player. No one is pushing hybrids into a corner!
Use your natural hybrid talents. Don't try to fit into a 100% hunter or 100% farmer role. That won't be good for you or your company in the long run.
Don't hesitate to speak up if you are placed in a category.‍

Where you'll feel comfortable:

  • Look for jobs where you can sell to customers as well as continue to manage them. Finding a job shouldn't be difficult, as many sales roles need your dual focus. Both your traditional customer acquisition and customer care skills are highly desired. Your ability to drill deeper into customer relationships will make you ideal for positions with up-selling and/or cross-selling opportunities.
  • Your selling personality is a hybrid - you are a bit of each selling type, which is awesome!
  • So please use these advantage in every single situation and check what type of potential client you are talking to and adapt your style.

Here are some tips that can help you improve your sales style, based on your personality:

  1. Speed up your pace of speaking
  2. Look for positive aspects in ideas
  3. Don’t become overly friendly
  4. Be careful not to dominate
  5. Get involved and take control
  6. Stay focused


You are generally warm, friendly and service oriented. Often Shopkeepers, are introverts and sensitive employees. They more often feel that they need to be liked and respected by their customers.
You are best suited for inside sales. You prefer to react to people, rather than initiate the first contact, so practices like cold calling can be particularly difficult for you.
You also don't like to be seen as pushy or aggressive, but prefer to become familiar with the customer instead of risking the relationship by being too persistent. As a result, store owners more often don't make active sales - but love to be contacted by customers.

Where you'll feel comfortable:

  • Therefore, the best fit for you would be a team and a customer service position. You work hard to help others, and sometimes surely you tell a little bit too much. You enjoy to be liked and take care not to offend others.
  • This often leads to a more passive sales approach because you'd rather build a customer relationship first before you start selling at all. But think about the fact that this can lead to some sales never get started.
  • Your selling personality is a repairmen - you are primarily kindly.
  • But please note that the mix is important and you should also use the other personalities if they are a better fit for the prospect.

Here are some tips that can help you improve your sales style, based on your personality:

  1. Speed up your pace of speaking
  2. Let people know what you want
  3. Don’t become overly friendly
  4. Talk less
  5. Get involved and take control


As a Farmer, you are a customer service specialist. You excel at building relationships and find organic ways to grow existing customers.
A longer sales cycle doesn't bother you, as you prefer to nurture customers and to cultivate loyalty. Being a good listener makes you a good business partner and team member. People like you!
Remember buyers, just like sellers, have different personalities. If you run into a more confident buyer, don't be afraid to ask your trusted hunter for help. He is at home with this type of personality.

Where you'll feel comfortable:

  • Look for well-established businesses with a large customer base. Your ability to nurture these customers, anticipate future needs and get them to buy will be absolutely priceless.
  • Your sales personality is a farmer - you are primarily customer-focused.
  • But please note that the mix is important and you should also use the other personalities if they are a better fit for the prospect.

Here are some tips that can help you improve your sales style, based on your personality:

  1. Listen more and talk not too much
  2. Match your pace to the client
  3. Check details before you rush
  4. Stay focused all the time

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