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Dennis Hilger

Dennis is COO and Co-Founder of Dealcode. His biggest mission is optimizing sales reps around the globe to perfection. His passion for sales operations and CRM synergies has been discovered about the last 9 years of B2B SaaS and Start-Up experience. During this time he was responsible for the guidance and process optimization of a large and fast-growing sales division.

SalesLeaks by 

Dennis Hilger

Immer ans Ziel mit der AI Guided Selling Software: Was wir im B2B und SaaS Sales von Tesla & Co lernen können

Unterstützung durch KI in Form kleiner Assistenten sind im Privatleben bereits zur Normalität geworden. Nun wird es höchste Zeit, diese Technologien auch im B2B und SaaS Sales gewinnbringend einzusetzen.

February 24, 2025

MEET THE TEAM - Dennis Hilger

Get to know our COO and Co-Founder Dennis Hilger.

Always on Target With AI Guided Selling Software: Industry Insights, New Norms and Future Perspectives for B2B and SaaS Sales

AI support via smart assistants has long become the new norm throughout our daily lives. Now it’s high time to begin utilizing these technologies in B2B and SaaS sales as well.

February 24, 2025

Meet the Team - Dennis Hilger

In unserer Rubrik Meet the Team stellen wir Ihnen unsere Rockstars vor! Lernen Sie Dennis Hilger kennen, COO und Co-Founder von Dealcode.

Hamburger “KI-Leuchtturm” soll Zukunftstechnologie fördern

Fünf Monate lang werden junge Unternehmen wie Dealcode, repath und Katulu vom BMWi gefördert, um die Anwendung von KI-Technologien zu stärken

February 24, 2025